Live AOL Chat
AOLiveMC1: MoniStar2 wants Frank to compare all three of these:
Frank, I've seen your work both in tv and film, I hear you do stage work as well. Which do you prefer?
WhaleyF: I prefer stage work. It's where I started out as an actor and it's what I love. As a rule, you don't get as many chicks. Just traffic.

AOLiveMC1: Nisa Late wants to know if Frank will go behind the camera:
Do you have plans to direct?
WhaleyF: No, I would love to direct but then I wouldn't have anybody to bitch and moan to all day.

AOLiveMC1: LuvyChic thinks Frank is hot and has this question to boot:
Like I said before, I saw you at Stella and I think you are hot. I was wondering did you start off as a comedian. Oh and I think you are hot too.
WhaleyF: Let me get this straight. Your name is LuvyChic, and I'm getting the impression that you think I'm HOT.
