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AOLiveMC1: KAWASUNA has this to say:
Hi Frank. I was the costume designer for an After School Special you did a LONG time ago. Forgot the name,
with Uta Hagen. Congrats on your success now. I have pix of you in underwear. Worth anything? ;-)

WhaleyF: First of all, I remember you. You were great. I remember that After School special vaguely. Please send
the photos of me in my underwear ASAP to my mom c/o Rikers Island. She needs them.

AOLiveMC1: TBONE8124 wants to know how Frank became the chosen one:
AOLiveMC1: JJCWRITE wants to know where Frank is, besides the Jamesville Correctional Institute:
WhaleyF: At the moment, I am in Southeast Asia working a very secret mission for the United States government. Please don't tell anyone. It's a very dangerous job. But if you wouldn't mind, please send me 3 pairs of Calvin Klein underwear immediately.
