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AOLiveMC1: Frank, I think all the Andrea's in the world thank you for yelling out their name. And here's the next
question. AOLiveMC1: LdyStnRos has a two-part question:

Frank, did you have fun at the Niagaras? How long have you been playing the drums?
WhaleyF: I always have fun at the Niagaras, and I've been playing the drums since my father, when I was very young boy, used the back of my head as a kettle drum. I think that's where I got my first love of the drums.

AOLiveMC1: Pjroamer wants Frank to think back a bit:
What do you consider your most challenging role?
WhaleyF: My most challenging role is being a father. Particularly since I don't have children. Also being a sex symbol since I possess absolutely sexiness. And being a role model for the kids. Being a professional wrestler and exotic dancer also poses a great challenge.